Friday, February 27, 2004

That's 60 days of night: The Anchorage Press looks forward to Return to Barrow, the latest installment of Steve Niles' 30 Days of Night vampire franchise -- even though the comics get some of the facts wrong:

"Niles has the latter fact wrong in his comic book. He says the sun goes down for only 30 days. Alaska readers can catch other inaccuracies, such as when Niles describes Barrow police as sheriffs. Then again, only the Simpsons' The Comic Book Guy would find that much to complain about, considering the real Barrow isn't infested with vampires, either. Niles said he's gotten positive feedback from Alaskans. 'I've tried, at least in the names (of characters), to include Native culture, things like that. I've gotten nothing but support.'"