Manga mumblings: At Silver Bullet Comic Books, "Zack S." demonstrates his vast knowledge of manga:
"My biggest problem with Manga is that it all looks the same. I’ve been told that I need glasses (or stronger glasses if I wear a pair already), but perhaps the Manga lovers are the one’s in need of an eye examination. Seriously, there is no way in hell you can possibly win an argument that not all Manga looks the same. It does. That’s it. Pick up any two books (yes, by different artists) and tell me they don’t look like the same thing. You can’t. Besides, when there are nearly hundreds of books on HOW TO DRAW MANGA, you know you’re in an uphill fight. If all Manga did not look the same, then why are there books on top of books detailing the proper ways to draw it? Huh? Answer me? You can’t! Their faces, their bodies, their hair, their clothes, their creatures/animals, they all look the same. They have big eyes, little upward noses, skinny bodies (females of enormous breasts), huge fucking hair, crazy ass clothes that look strangely futuristic, and the animals are just too fucking cute. I’m sorry, but I like to be able to tell the difference between comics I’m reading. Again, this doesn’t mean that super-hero comics don’t look the same, but they are nowhere near as bad as Manga. You know I’m right, so just accept it."
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