Saturday, November 22, 2003

Texas roundup: I'm not sure of the logic behind comics publishers tying their "major" announcements to "major" conventions. It only creates artificial time contraints, and invites comparisons and criticisms. Chicago's announcements, inevitably aren't as good as San Diego's, and Texas' aren't as good as Chicago's. By the time you get around to the end of the ever-lengthening "convention season," the only way to up the ante and impress the online minions would be to resurrect Jack Kirby and put him back on "Thor." And even then, people would complain.

Witness reaction to the announcements made Friday by DC at Wizard World Texas:



"Some really great news there, but I'm upset that there was nothing mentioned at all about upcoming Green Lantern plans..."

In fairness, there was some excitement about "The Flash" and the release of the Wolfman/Perez "New Teen Titans" graphic novel.

I feel a full-size a rant coming on about convention announcements. Hm. More on this tomorrow.

Oh, and once again, Comics Continuum has better coverage of the convention than Newsarama or The Pulse.

For an easy-to-follow rundown of the DC announcements at Wizard World Texas, go here.