Saturday, February 28, 2004

A long and twisted road: Canada's Exclaim! magazine takes a look at Dave Sim and Cerebus, tracing the book's path from a sword-and-sorcery parody to an often-baffling pulpit:

"It’s clear that Cerebus has been a vehicle for Sim to work out some personal rage issues; many have wondered what will happen when his vehicle for doing so comes to an end this month. Some have speculated that without the grounding demands of the book — and a page-and-a-half per day workload he’s maintained for a quarter-century — that Sim might take his own life. Others maintain that his misogyny and other eccentricities are merely dressing for a story behind the story. Regardless, the mental toll brought on by his intense and prolonged dedication to his goal means that, in the end, the accomplishment has been tainted. But despite the ranting and hatred, Sim has contributed greatly to comics. At the end of a journey no one believed he could ever complete, one has to wonder whose story is really finished: that of Cerebus or of Sim himself."