Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Made for TV: I somehow missed this yesterday. I'm obviously slipping. At Movie Poop Shoot, Marc Mason reviews Demo and asks, "Should it be a movie?" The answer:

"By its nature, the anthology is generally not something well-suited for adaptation to the silver screen. However, it is well-suited for the small screen, and DEMO is a wonderful example of that.

"Some of the finest television ever produced from genre material was anthological in format. THE TWILIGHT ZONE. THE OUTER LIMITS. Concepts built around a small inner-idea and fleshed out by talented writers and directors. DEMO represents an excellent opportunity for a savvy producer to put together a nice package for a smart cable network looking for a prestige, limited episode product. I think there's way too much risk to put something like DEMO on the air for five years and destroy the subtlety of the types of tales Wood and Cloonan are telling; however, putting together a couple of thirteen episode seasons and getting them to DVD after they're finished sounds like a very nice moneymaker for the right person. Let the bidding begin!"

Mason also throws in some quick capsules of Punisher: The End, Queen & Country Vol. 5: Operation Stormfront and Tell Me Something.