Saturday, December 20, 2003

Arbiter elegantiae: Ray Tate really didn't like "Fantastic Four" #508. I mean, really, really didn't like it:

"While this issue of The Fantastic Four represents Howard Porter's best work on the title, we're still stuck with a tired story that lingers like a bad taste in the mouth. 'Authoritative Action' will be reassessed by its current champions, and they will I suspect eventually arrive at the same conclusion I immediately did. It's worth pig's vomit!

"Pretentious, icky and plagued with characterization that ill fits Reed Richards and Victor von Doom, the thank the cosmos it's over last chapter adds to the malaise. Deus ex machina, the god in the machine, the hack who wrote this drivel, can be seen in the convenience of U.N. Peacekeepers wielding weapons capable of destroying the FF. Logic, this is window. Window, this is logic."

And here we were worried about the state of comics criticism.