Sunday, July 04, 2004

Marvel's money matters: The Fort Wayne (Ind.) Journal Gazette carries a Wall Street Journal examination of Marvel's financial health, pausing on the stock sell-off in May by Avi Arad and Isaac Perlmutter:

"Executives often sell stock to pay for expenses, of course, but some say the executives already have a lucrative relationship with Marvel. In addition to the $625,000 Arad received last year in salary and bonus, he also is entitled to producer fees paid by various studio partners for 'each media project' for which he performs 'significant services.' These range to as much as $350,000 per movie project and from $7,500 per cartoon TV show episode, SEC filings show. Additionally, Marvel pays him royalties for toys he invents – totaling more than $2 million between 2001 and 2003, according to SEC filings."