Saturday, January 15, 2005

Chronicle highlights Miller and creators' rights

The San Francisco Chronicle breezes by the requisite Jennifer Garner profile to concentrate on Elektra creator Frank Miller, and the comics industry's struggles with work-made-for-hire agreements and creators' rights:
Miller himself has nothing riding on the movie. He introduced Elektra in 1980 as a character in Marvel's Daredevil comic on which the Affleck movie (co-starring Garner) was based, and has a screen credit as the character's creator, but Miller has no ownership rights to his brainchild. Any work he did for Marvel was considered "work for hire" and is owned by the company, as has been standard practice ever since Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster sold all rights to Superman for $130 in 1938.
The article also touches upon the lawsuits filed by Marv Wolfman and Stan Lee.