Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Message bored: J.W. Hastings discusses his preference for comics-related blogs over comics-related message boards. (Link via Journalista!)

J.W. (Mr. Hastings?), in turn, references Sean Collins' earlier lamentations on the subject. Yes, it's an inter-blog extravaganza.

In any case, J.W. draws the distinction between message board arguments and cross-blog discussions. He doesn't bring up anything new, but he does hit upon my current state of thinking: I'm tired of posting on comics message boards.

Yes, the bloom finally has fallen off that rose.

It's taken more than a year, but it looks as if I've grown tired of the same handful of people bellowing the same comments over and over again.

The occasional well-thought-out analyis of industry economics, the current business model or storytelling structure is too often overshadowed by choruses of "Liefeld sucks!" and "Trades are the way to go!"

Yeah, I know that's nothing new. So, I'll just stick with my blog.