Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Pilgrim's progress: At Comic Book Galaxy, Alan David Doane reviews Bryan Lee O'Malley's wonderful Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life Vol. 1, which I've been meaning to review for the past few days (good intentions and all that):

"... Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life is charming, funny, sexy and packed with creative power and the love of storytelling."

At iComics, Greg McElhatton also heaps praises on the graphic novel:

"Scott Pilgrim is fast and goofy, catapulting Scott from one situation to the next. From the cast of characters that Scott gets to interact with to the scenes just with Scott, there was always something to bring a smile to my face, be it the little 'ratings' that appear next to each character as they're introduced, to the dry wit where the reality of the world is casually noted in contrast to Scott's crazy actions. That's not to say that there isn't any seriousness in Scott Pilgrim. Scott's first extended encounter with Ramona Flowers, for instance, starts off silly but gradually moves into something that shows a great amount of maturity. If it had just shown up that way it might have felt out of place, but O'Malley slips these moments into the book so perfectly and gradually that it never feels like the tone of the book has shifted until you stop and think about it afterwards."

I really need to get my review written. You can get a peek at Scott Pilgrim here.